Brush With Fame

So KJ has acquired near-celebrity status now (in my own mind at least!).

Discovery Channel has been filming onboard all week for Shark Week 2009 with the Team Hydrus guys! They were successful in their sightings of six gill sharks and got quite a bit of good footage. It takes about a year to produce a program, but in the meantime you can catch views of our girl at WetPixel’s website ~ they were also onboard in the past week and were uploading footage during their time on the water.


No Responses to “Brush With Fame”

  1. Jamie
    August 18, 2008 at 3:08 pm #

    Actually, T, we didn’t even know ~ we thought Team Hydrus was just taking out “regular” clients. Just a bit of serendipity! It was cool, but I think I’ll be cleaning salt out of the salon for quite a while!

  2. bowiechick
    August 18, 2008 at 9:44 am #

    Well I can see the rationale behind the mad dash to get her all sexy then. Neat!