Archive | July, 2007

Writing For The Masses

Online Dating


Apparently, without even making an effort, I’m just as sweet and innocent as they come.

Or maybe I know that my grandmother might check the blog sometimes…?

The Downside Of Living On The Water…

…is that bridges go up, bridges swing open, and frequently you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Life alone on the boat is feeling a bit more normal the past few days. It’s all just adjustment time. I certainly didn’t expect to be pregnant with twins (carrying them for a friend, not mine) and living by myself on a 58′ trawler, but hey, I do try to keep things interesting. I can be accused of a lot of things, but being boring has never been one of them.

Talked with the charter company last week that had previously had KJ in their fleet and they are thrilled at having her back again. I’m going to need the boat to help support herself and they anticipate that they could send her out up to 10 weeks a year. I certainly don’t expect to make money at it, but as they put it, it will help offset the costs of owning and maintaining her. The added advantage to that situation is that they have a complete preventative maintenance program and I won’t have a nagging feeling that I’m missing something important in her care. Almost as good as having a man around, perhaps better in some ways!

Home Safe and A New Friend

So I’ve been home at the dock by myself for two days and I must say I never imagined it could feel so good to be tied up securely to a dock. The photo is the last sunset I took from Utsalady Bay ~ it really was a gorgeous week there.

On the positive side of things, there are two eagles out calling to each other across the water. They’ve been there all day, one on the bridge, one on the pole. Wouldn’t it be delightful if they decided to build a nest close by? The river otters were out yesterday, the herons are wonderful, and I love my little buddy, the harbor seal. But eagles would be the quintessential element. Please stay, beautiful birds ~ you’re so welcome here!