Christmas Post
William Garden
I was honored today to receive a response to a note I sent to Bill Garden, the designer of this boat. I had written a couple months ago, with a few pictures of KJ as she is now. She was designed in 1952; Bill is in his 90’s now. He very kindly wrote back to me, remembering the boat as “a good husky boat and well built.” He last saw her about 50 years ago in Newport Beach.
Ho Ho Ho
The Water Situation Update
So we re-filled to 27+ inches last Sunday. From what we know about the tanks (through hearsay only), that means 800 gallons. We’re at 16 1/2 inches after one week. We’ve been conservative on water, but not drastically so. I’ve modified my dish-washing habits. Brock has shortened his showers. Even S2b took a radically brief shower by his standards.