Camping in the Potholes Reservoir
Headed over to the Potholes Reservoir in Eastern Washington for the Perseid meteor shower (caused by the comet Swift-Tuttle) last weekend. It’s been a long standing tradition for the kids and I to seek out a non-light polluted location for the show, some years with better luck than others. This year was not bad; the moon set early and was only a sliver. Downside was that Moses Lake had more light nearby than I had hoped, but it was still a great show. We also had our Mutual of Omaha moment when we were out for a cruise in the little boat ~ hundreds and hundreds of American White Pelicans, taking off all around us.
Magic Brock caught his first real bass (apparently there had been a little 2-inch one in his remote history, but this was the first one that counted). Pippy would have been so proud of him. I thought it was delicious, breaded and fried over the campfire. It’s a little weird that I’m the only one in our family who really enjoys fish. The kids don’t care for it and Brock just prefers catching, rather than eating (which makes absolutely no sense to me – the whole POINT of catching a fish is to eat it, no?).
We all got what we needed, whether it was fishing, swimming, digging holes in the sand, or just relaxing. There’s sand in everything, of course, but that’s to be expected!
Blue Angels 2010
Another successful weekend enjoying the Blue Angels out on the water! The weather was not particularly wonderful this year, but it meant the low show which Magic Brock prefers. More low passes, etc.
Some of the guys warmed everything in the hot tub.
Now it’s on to more wedding & “honeymoon” prep. Honeymoon is going to be a week up in Barkley Sound off the coast of Vancouver Island, fishing for halibut & salmon. We’ll have some friends with us, so it will be a lot of fun. We’re going to throw about a thousand gallons of diesel onboard this week, but we’re registered for the wedding at Morrison’s Fuel Dock in Lake Union. After all, we certainly don’t need “stuff.”