Just A Quick Note…
…from anchor. We’re still out and I just wanted to let you know that we’re still alive and having a marvelous time. The stories of the first day mishaps will have to wait until I’m back in the real world (always assuming we decide to return, which is not overly tempting at the moment). We had a few, but are none the worse for wear.
Suffice it to say, this was the harbor in which we anchored last night. The 180 view of this was the downtown Seattle skyline and the ferry traffic across Elliott Bay. Absolutely marvelous.
The kids took turns piloting the ship & S2B has been promoted to deckhand after he ably assisted Greg with retrieving the anchor this morning. It’s a lovely night and I’m off to enjoy the rest of it.
Happy Birthday To Me!
Yes, we’re heading out on an adventure on KJ for my birthday cruise. Weather looks good this morning, with some clearing and perhaps even sun tomorrow. We’re running to a 12.7 high tide right now and will be slipping the lines in about 1 1/2 hours. We seem to have everything nicely under control and at this point, the Stewball is even with us. Hopefully he won’t be doing any heroic leaping to the dock as we pull away. (He still has a few misgivings about this whole boat thing)
We did bring some electronic entertainment, so hopefully that will ease things for him!
Leavenworth Snow Train
Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
Greg and I, along with several friends and family, took the Snow Train over to Leavenworth yesterday. It left from Everett a bit after the scheduled 9 a.m. departure and took us up through the Snohomish River Valley. The 8 mile long tunnel under Stevens Pass was a highlight (I tried, but couldn’t hold my breath that long). There were magicians, carolers, accordian players, all sorts of entertainment. The early caroling got on my awakened-too-early-for-a-Saturday nerves ~ I happen to think that no one should have to listen to other people singing before 9:00 in the morning. The rest of the groups were fun, though. One particularly annoying child drove everyone crazy, but isn’t that what the holidays are about? We had a fantastic time and I’m hoping it’s the start of a new annual tradition.
The town was lovely. I’m not a huge fan of shopping (understatement of the year ~ if I can’t buy it online, I don’t need it), so Greg let me drag him down to the river to stomp around in the snow.
Those of you who have followed the blog may remember this scene from
an earlier time of year. Amazing what a couple of months can do!
Now we’re off to play with the kiddos and track Santa’s trip around the world. Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday!
Final California Update
The kidlets come home tomorrow; I’m looking forward to seeing them! I was reading a post on one of my favorite blogs, Redneck Mother, and laughed when I read the bit about “I know my mother loves me — but nothing compares to the indulgences a grandmother will allow a grandchild…I’m no longer her only daughter. I’m her grandsons’ keeper.”
Here’s Grandma’s last report:
Today was the Grand Finale Dolphin Show. Posters were seen all around the house announcing the 3pm show. We waited in eager anticipation and must say, all the careful practice certainly paid off. We were treated to the following acts: criss-cross, wave, underwater hand stand, underwater somersault (front and back), ring retrieve, laps, ring in the tube, now-you-see him-now-you-don’t, weave, dolphin dive, ball bop and butt boomer. Such diversity of skills! In spite of the windy, chilly conditions (Seattle dolphins laugh at this description), everyone had a wonderful time and the dolphin and trainer were applauded frequently. It was a great end to a great week. Tomorrow morning, trainer and dolphin will just play in the water without the pressure of another show, before heading back to their native Washington state. We will surely miss this talented duo.
I can’t wait to find out just what a “butt boomer” is…