Archive | May, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day!

To all you moms out there ~ I wish you a wonderful and relaxing day!

Goin’ To The Boat Show And We’re Gonna Get Married…

We’ve decided on the Wooden Boat Festival in September for our wedding this year! We agreed that it will be just immediate family; I’m always shocked at the way a guest list can get out of hand so quickly. You invite one person, then there’s the next, and oh by the way, I love them too and so they simply must come and so on and so on.
With a limited budget (after all, fuel doesn’t jump into the tanks without the aid of money either), we’ve decided that tiny will be just perfect for us. And the added bonus to that is I almost have the planning done now too, by virtue of not needing to do much!
I can’t wait to be Mrs. Brock! Only a few short months away…