My Son, The Valiant…

…wait for it…wait for it…

…Spider-Killer!!! And here I thought I would be coming over to his apartment when he’s 24 and killing the dang things for him…

Stewbie has always hated the critters, almost as much as Greg does, but not quite (that being said, Greg does have legitimate spider-traumas ~ I would hate them too based on the stories he’s told me). But S2B and his Lil Sis were out in their fort and when one showed up in Lil Sis’ comforter, he squashed it without giving it a moment of thought.

YAY, Stewball! He has learned that when you are the eldest, most responsible party on the premises, you simply Do What Must Be Done. It’s always been The Mama’s job to deal with pesky bugs; I welcome him to this new level of Adulthood. Now maybe I can shriek like a girl when I see one…

(OK, perhaps not shrieking…I didn’t get that gene.)

No Responses to “My Son, The Valiant…”

  1. Anonymous
    May 5, 2007 at 10:49 pm #

    Way to go Stewb!g