Kamikaze Fish
So I was walking up the dock at 6:00 this morning (yes, people, that really does happen, more often than you might think) and I was engrossed in following The Captain’s footprints in the moisture on the dock. He had left just a bit before me and those little traces of him always make me smile.
Suddenly, his tracks went into a little scuffle/commotion ~ clearly he was stopping to look at something. And there it was:
A goofy little fish that had apparently made a serious misstep in it’s travels. It really was a spectacular one, from a small fish perspective ~ he was quite a distance from the edge. Leaping about, frolicking? Avoiding a larger predator? No idea, but it was not a good day for the little bugger.
My cat Tobias would have been a happy cat if he had happened upon that wee fella.
landfolk talk about “out of the fry pan…” waterfolk have experienced “out of the toothy ones’ way and onto the dock”