Just Tidbits
It’s been a while since I’ve written. Life just seems to get so busy and we’re off having fun together more than blogging, I guess. But here are some recent moments to share:
The kids are turning into quite competent deckhands. We went through the Locks and they managed the lines on their own. I scampered back and forth between them at first, but soon realized that really, they’re fine. With Brock as captain & the two of them as crew, I can see my future as Cleopatra, sipping wine on the top deck as we cruise the ship canal.
Jo-jo and I have spent time at the zoo, watching the turtles, checking out the way cool new penguin exhibit, and reading ALL the signs. Being there when the zoo first opens is definitely worth it in terms of small crowds.
Thing One is in driver’s training and took his proud Mama out for a drive. We used his dad’s car, of course…just in case. He did great!
Hiking with my man. An 11 mile trip last weekend to Goat Lake was awesome. Cloudy and cool, just the way I like to hike. Incredible old growth forests.
I got introduced as “Mrs. Brock” last weekend (from one of his staff to another). It made both of us grin. You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin?
Bigat! Bigat!!!! sooooooooooooooon eh????? :o))