Live AIS

Magic Brock figured out how to make his new iPhone broadcast on the Marine Traffic website. We took a little jaunt around the lake tonight after the weather cleared (it’s been monsoons all week) this afternoon. The sun was beckoning and the water was flat calm. It was irresistible to get out there after a long week at work.

AIS is definitely on our list of things that KJ must have in the future. So nice on a foggy night to know that the cargo ships know you’re there, even though we stay well out of the way. It’s an added layer of safety.

About Us

jamie-langLiving aboard, happily ever after with my captain-love, and with my kids on board sometimes. Land? Why would anybody live on land?

USCG in Lake Union

Woke up this morning to the sound of rotors outside my porthole. I listened for a few seconds and realized the helo must be right here and hovering – it was close and not moving. I threw on some clothes, raced upstairs, and found Brock just sitting on the couch, completely oblivious.

That speaks to the quality of the Bose headphones anyway; he had no idea there was a rescue bird right outside. We went upstairs, figured out it was a demonstration and I went to wake up the kids. Nity was already up, having gone through the same thought process I did (hmmm, that plane doesn’t seem to be leaving and it’s really loud – she was close to correct, anyway).

Awesome way to start a Sunday morning!


We’ve been playing with a new website. I can see potential use on the website for charter clients to be able to view the inside of the boat with some clear detail. Now to make it happen!

Brass Portholes

So the clear coat on brass will always fail eventually. It’s one of Magic Brock’s least favorite things, because once it goes, it’s really a pain to deal with. Today’s project began once we hung the cute little anchors which hold open the portholes. They’re shiny and pretty and new. In contrast, the porthole was gungy and corroded and green. In other words, not acceptable. 

So out came the sandpaper. I figured I couldn’t make it worse than it was, so I might as well be reasonably aggressive. I was really hoping that they were solid brass and not plated!  I started with 320 grit, which basically removed the failed clear coat and gave me the start of a warm sheen. Then I followed it with 600 grit to polish, then some Prism Polish for shine and then a coat of our very favorite wax (Carnu-B) for protection.

I got lucky – they are solid through and through. This first one cleaned up pretty well. It was a couple of hours of solid labor and my arms are a little tired.
But well worth it for the finished product! No more for today – must pace myself so that I don’t get burned out on it.