Destination: Hell (with a view)
I finally have a buddy in my club! For years I’ve been the only person I know whose family firmly believes I am going to hell and have no qualms saying so. I’ve never been quite certain as to their reasoning (and who made them The Deciders, anyway?). I don’t smoke, do drugs, kick puppies. I volunteer for Search and Rescue, help my little town with Clean-Up Day and other civic projects, and my children are well-behaved and intelligent. I’ll admit I have occasional poor taste in men, as evidenced by recent events, but that hardly seems reason to condemn me.
Nonetheless, I am in possession of a letter from my own grandmother stating that I am destined for the netherworld (but she loves me anyway, as she is quick to point out). I have never for a moment claimed that my family was anything resembling normal.
Well, a dear friend of mine was joking with his 12 y/o son about the movie Caddyshack and the Baby Ruth scene. As he and his family were on their way to a waterpark, it evidently struck his wife as inappropriate and she, in all seriousness, informed him that he was going to hell.
His response? “Yep, I already have my cabin reserved on The Lake Of Fire.”
Love that man.
Remember! those that condemm others run the risk of themselves being wrong in their beliefs and opinions! what you are doing I think is great may you have all the luck you deserve!
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