New Hobby
I think I’m in love with varnishing; the glamourously smooth finish is utterly seductive. The entire cap rail around the boat is done now & I’m now looking at anything else that needs a touch-up, because this is delightful. See the reflection of the rope in the rail? See? That’s good stuff, my friend. Wow!
I do think the rub rail will be a bit more difficult as it will require heavier sanding, plus I can’t reach most of it from anywhere. Perhaps a work platform, like Tim’s? I could get all around the boat then and it would likely be more stable than the dinghy. I’m also going to be hauling cords around with me (didn’t somebody warn me about power tools and water once?) and trying to balance with my pregnant center of gravity could get comical. The other option would be to get my climbing harness on with my prusiks and dangle off the rail. Not sure what I’ll try, but I’ll be sure to keep you entranced readers posted!
Really looking good! if you do drop an electric tool into the drink don`t try to save it let it go and unplug it from the lead nbefore reeling it in and drying it out! it may be OK! I say this as a friend of mine lost his wife to a sander which she dropped and grabbed as it went into the water, electrocuting her. Take care!