Archive | August, 2007

I Might Just Be Able To Pull This Off

Remember those daily washdowns we’ve had going on here on KJ? Well, the constant reminder of things that need to be done, coupled with the guilt of lazily fishing for a few days, kicked me in the butt on getting things done.

I am proud to announce that:

A) My decks are oiled and not leaking at all (and we certainly would have known after yesterday’s downpour)

B) My deck prisms are caulked tightly and no longer leaking.

and last, but definitely NOT least, C) my varnish is smooth and glossy enough that you can see the reflections of the clouds overhead! I had no faith in my varnishing abilities whatsoever, given that I’ve never done it before and also that I have a strong tendency toward impatience. But I took reasonable care to sand, wipe, and varnish…and voila! It looks rather nice if I do say so myself. I’ve got the starboard forward half of the boat done and we’ve got nice weather predicted for the remainder of the week. Hurrah!

Search pager went off and running (it’s Sunday night ~ our “rush hour” as it were), so I’m off. But I’ll be staying in base as the token pregnant chick…

Google Search

I was checking out some stats and the ways people find this blog. Apparently, we’re number one on Google if you search for “tow truck high tide.” I suppose not many people marry those concepts together, but I imagine the person who was searching was looking for something a bit more disastrous and entertaining than our moving of the Whaler…

Fishing, yes. Catching, no.

So it occurred to me that a) I live on a boat, b) there are pink salmon (Go, Mighty Humpies!) swimming by my boat day and night right now, and c) it’s pretty stupid for me to NOT take advantage of this seemingly ideal situation. So I went and got me some gear and a license…

So far, nothing. Other than a minor overreaction from my daughter when she understood that I intend to both kill and eat the fish. Her catch-and-release father has done me no favors in exposing her to the realities of being at the top of the food chain. I tried to explain that I don’t actually find it entertaining to cast and reel for hours on end and that if I do so, I fully intend to get a meal out of that endeavor. Otherwise, what would be the point??

So in the evenings this week, rather than washing my decks (and I must admit, the spider population is gaining on me because of my lack of attention to rinsing them overboard), I have been repeatedly throwing a line into the water. No ROI yet, but I imagine that’s probably because I get bored after about 20 minutes and wander off for a while. I think this fishing thing requires just a bit more perseverance than that.

On the plus side, I invited the neighbor over tonight with his fishing pole and found that the boredom is much alleviated by good company. One of these nights, I may even catch a fish…