Rob’s Wager
Alright, Rob, I wish I had taken you up on your bet that the other half of the decks wouldn’t be finished for three weeks! You underestimated the new captain on the block and his endless energy supply! Had it just been me working on the project, your bet would have been a safe one. But when I came home from work the other day, Brock had not only finished stripping the decks, but was well down the starboard side with a sander to touch them up and ready them for finishing. Did I mention that he had also put several coats of Seafin on the rubrail as well? When we get the final coat or two on, I’ll post more pics ~ it’s lovely. The man shames me into working much harder as well ~ not purposely, but it’s rather difficult to lounge about indulgently when he’s out there “earning his keep” as he puts it.
The only thing really slowing us down at this point is the weather, which has not been what you would call cooperative. The weekend should be nice and I suspect we’ll have a new round of photos for you by Monday!
I love a man who earns his keep. It looks lovely and yes this weather is a great un-motivator. Beaut!
Me and my big mouth eh? looks real great, nice for you to have some support doing the maintenence, always hard and slow on your own. More piccies please, she looks lovely.