Archive | December 16, 2006

Redneck Date Night

Yes folks, this was a doozy of a low-brow evening. Ice Motorcycle Racing! Wooot! I had never even heard of this exciting and intoxicating sport (literally intoxicating ~ the nitromethane fumes in the arena were stupefying in every sense of the word) until a dear old friend of mine gathered a bunch of us together last night to breathe the vapours deeply.

I guess the funniest part is that Greg rarely likes to go out, at least not to the events I usually suggest. But Ice Motorcycle Racing? Oh yeah, baby, he was all over that. Spikes, bikes, ice, wrecks, possible blood and death ~ sign him up! Clearly, I need a new direction for our entertainment choices. It really was fun, I must admit, despite the minor hearing loss for several hours afterwards.
